Reporting to Parents

Paki ki nga mātua

Every child's learning journey is unique, and so a personal relationship with each learner and their family/whanau is important to us. We love having informal chats with you in the morning. However if there is ever something you would like to discuss in more detail, you are very welcome to make an appointment at any time to talk to your child’s teacher.

We plan to report to you formally each term of the school year as outlined here. We encourage you, in every instance, to share your child’s learning and discuss reports in a positive and supportive manner, valuing their progress and effort.

Term 1

Before the start of term one, parents/whanau will be invited to visit their child’s new learning space and meet the teacher. This is an opportunity to make connections and share any relevant information. 

Later in term one, 3 way conferences will be scheduled. These 3 way conferences include you (the parents), your child and your child’s teacher. They are scheduled for 15 minutes and include information about what your child’s goal is for the first term, including achievement information, and how they have settled into the school year. This will include key competency development and growth mindset approach to learning. These conferences are booked online. The 3 way conference bookings and code are shared in our school newsletter and on our website. We want every family to be involved in this important learning event.

Term 2

At the end of term two a mid-year written report will come home to all children (except those New Entrants who have had a 6 week interview in Term 2). This report will share academic and key competency progress. 

Term 3

 In Term three there will be a Learning Celebration, a further opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teacher. Your child will share work they are proud of. It is a great opportunity to celebrate the progress that has been made and to set some new goals. Once again these are booked online. The Learning Celebration booking and code are shared in our school newsletter and on our website.

Term 4

At the end of the year, all children who have been at school for longer than a term will receive a written report.  This summative report celebrates the effort and progress they have made across the New Zealand Curriculum. These reports also recognise the effort and progress in relation to the Key Competencies. Your child’s involvement in the wider life of the school is also celebrated.

Teachers may make contact with you at times outside of this formal reporting schedule if there is something they would like to share with you in relation to your child’s learning and interactions at school. 

For our newest 5 year olds all parents are invited to a meeting with their child’s teacher after about 6 weeks at school so the teacher can share with you how they have settled at school, what they have shown they can do, and to set a learning direction.

Learning Support: At times, some children need some extra targeted support - this can be a short term intervention, or may require a more intensive programme. Your classroom teacher will advise you if your child needs any specific learning support.