Safety Outside School

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Please read this and take note of our safety expectations. These rules apply to everyone in our school community.

There are many ways we can all ensure the safety of our students as they walk to and from school, as well as showing consideration to all our parents who transport their children to school.


  • The parking space directly outside school on Churton Drive is a 5 minute parking zone in the morning and after school. If you wish to come into school with your child please observe this time frame. The free flow of traffic through this area allows parents to bring their child/ren to the gate.
  • U-turns near the school entrance are dangerous for students using the footpath. Please drive further up the street to turn around.
  • Parking on yellow lines or at the bottom of the drive for a quick drop off inhibits the view of the road patrollers. Please find a safe place away from the school driveway to pull in.
  • Make sure you cross your children on the pedestrian crossing, not down at the corner or close to your car. Also, please ensure that you as an adult also use the crossing after you have dropped your child at their class. This sets the right example to all our children.
  • We ask that parents do not come up the drive in the mornings to drop children off for the Before School Care programme – it becomes quite a traffic jam when staff are also arriving.
  • Please use the footpath alongside the driveway when you come into the school from Churton Drive.
  • When parking at the Cranwell Street entrance, do not park over driveways or on the yellow no parking lines.

It is important that we all make an effort to be safety conscious – not only are we modelling good behaviour to our students, we are supporting an environment where we are all considering each other… and we are keeping our children safe!