School Donations

He koha ki te kura

Donations are vital to our school as they make a significant difference to the delivery of our learning programmes. They enable us to provide resources that are not covered by our state funding. As a Decile 10 school we receive less government funding per child than lower decile schools.

Your donations help the board and staff to deliver the curriculum to a high standard. Donations are usually used to purchase reading and maths materials, computers and ICT equipment.

While donations are voluntary, we do rely on them and we greatly appreciate your financial support.

Receipts will be issued for donations, and tax rebates can be claimed from the Inland Revenue Department.

The Board of Trustees has set the school donation rates for 2024 as follows:

One child: $240
Two children: $400
Three or more children: $490

Payment Options

  • Option 1 – one lump sum at the start of the year (our preferred option)
  • Option 2 – four equal instalments during the year
  • Option 3 – weekly or monthly instalments agreed with the office​

Payment Methods

  • Internet Banking
    Bank Account Number: 12-3223-0105516-00 (ASB Johnsonville)
    Bank Account Name: Churton Park School Board of Trustees
    Please include your child's initials and surname plus 'Donation' in the reference
  • Automatic Payment
    Made in instalments on 20 March, 20 May, 20 July and 20 September
  • Bank Account Number: 12-3223-0105516-00 (ASB Johnsonville)
  • Bank Account Name: Churton Park School Board of Trustees
  • Please include your child's initials and surname plus 'Donation' in the reference