How We Communicate

Tikanga korero

As you will have seen many times on our website, we really want to be CONNECTED to you. One way of doing that is making sure our lines of communication are really effective so that we can maximise our partnership for your child’s education.

There are some key ways we have of celebrating all that is happening within the life of our school, and also for informing you about key activities. Obviously this website is one way of helping that to happen.

Our weekly newsletter is another key way we have of communicating the events and celebrating the successes of both our students and our school. Every Wednesday we compile our newsletter and email it to our school families. It is also available on our website each week, and it is vital that you read this to keep informed about school life.

Our website and school Facebook page are used to inform you of ‘up to the minute’ information such as whether the cross country is on or has been postponed, reminders for events, etc.

Class teachers will also use emails, seesaw and notices to inform you of specific events or class trips that are being organised, along with any associated costs. 

We have endeavoured to include other information under the Our Communication tab, which we think you will find useful. However, if you have any other ideas about how we can practically improve our communication systems we would really love to hear from you.